Gradually, the year is winding up. I am not usually given in to the
incidental fuss and ado that usually accompanies the Christmas season.
Do not get me wrong. I am no ingrate neither am i indifferent to the
excitement that this season brings(How can i be? After all, i am a
Christian and i subscribe to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, a
portion of which my mentor, John Piper, so beautifully rephrase as "The
chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever")...May be,
my lackadaisical attitude may be due to my self-effacing nature and the
fact that i'm feeling kinda broke hehehe

spite of this, i'm glad to see people go through all the hustle and
bustle just to buy gifts for their loved ones(though the the traffic
congestion induced by these activities is most disconcerting arrrggghhh )...i
think this beautifully captures one of the essential themes of
Christmas which is the idea that God gave His beloved Son to the world!
So the occasion to remember the birth of my Savior does fill my heart
with joy.
Anyway, all i'm getting at is wishing all loved ones a very merry Christmas and a fruitful New Year! Cheers!!!